2021年3月5日 星期五

2021 MDRT Day

 昨天是公司一年一度的MDRT Day,世界各地的重量級同事分享了自己的工作和一些持續發展的技巧,聽到我們的大使碧咸講話,還有韓國的Pop Star Rain,可謂十分精彩,獲益匪淺。我寫下了一些自己比較有感覺的字句,分享一下:

1. 疫情永遠改變了我們的工作模式,而科學卻讓我們的工作更順暢。
2. We are not just focusing on sickness now, but on health,not on life but on living.
3. Technology Data Analytics, make your life easier.
4. 你比別人行得更遠,if your advices are personalised advices.
5. We should meet the needs of customers.
6. We target on helping our customers to make a longer, healthier and better life.
7. We should accept,and understand “Past is a past, present is a gift”.
8. We have confidence in Asian Insurance Market.
9. 快樂工作,健康生活,maintain a work life balance.
10. You should try to serve the community in the way you can and the way only you can.
11. Technology can transform our customers’ experience.
12. We look for every reason for a successful claim.
13. We care and we save life.
14. 碧咸講:When I am uncertain about my career,I will be back to basic,work hard to prove people wrong.
15. 碧咸又講:to be a professional footballer, what you need to do is to keep being professional .
16. 碧咸再講:My lucky number is 7, 😂.
17. 碧咸仲講:I work hard to set a good example for my children.




大家都知道,要造影,就要用到顯影劑,所以首先會在手上開個針口,用嚟打藥。姑娘做個針口嘅時候,幫我度住血壓心跳,過咗一陣之後話,個心跳仲係有啲快,咁可能要食粒減慢心跳嘅藥,再等。 Huh? 70 幾喎,你嘅意思係話我心跳唔正常?姑娘好有耐性咁解釋「咁你又唔使擔心,你嘅心跳好正常,不...